Free listings cannot be re-published after expiration. User must upgrade to a paid package to get extra time on the website for their properties.
How to buy a package. How to upgrade a package. How to downgrade a package.
From the same menu users buy their first package, upgrade or downgrade their purchased package
Recurring checkbox is optional. It applies for PayPal or Stripe payments. It means the payment will be taken automatically from client account when package expiration date is reached.
If payment fails when done through PayPal or Stripe, user will continue to have Free Membership by default (if it’s the 1st purchase) or they will be downgraded to free membership if it’s a recurring payment that failed to be processed.
When users buy or upgrade to a paid package, they will receive the number of listings included in the package purchased.
Listings do not sum.
If users have already published a x number of properties, those properties will be automatically deducted from number of available listings after buying or upgrading the package with more listings included.
If user deletes a property, that property is still counted as listing used, so the number of listings included will not change after delete.
Users CANNOT have 2 packages at the same time.
When user upgrades to a new package, that new package limits will start to apply from the moment of the purchase, even if the user had x days/weeks/months/years from previous membership.
If users downgrades to a package with less listings than his current number of published listings, ALL user listings will be set to EXPIRED and they will have to be resent for approval. User CANNOT send to resubmit more listings than their current package allows them to.
If the user has Published and Expired listings, and decide to upgrade/downgrade his membership package – in case the published properties mach the number of included listings in new package (it’s a smaller or equal number), the published properties stay published. Expired listings stay expired.
A one time payment will automatically be cancelled by Stripe or PayPal at the end of package availability.
A recurring Stripe payment can be cancelled from theme user dashboard. The package will expire at the end of package availability and it will not be renewed automatically.
A recurring PayPal subscription can be cancelled only in user PayPal account. The package will expire at the end of package availability and it will not be renewed automatically.
If user’s package expires because he didn’t renew or he doesn’t have money, the package returns to FREE MEMBERSHIP by default.
All listings will have status EXPIRED (expired listings won’t show in listings) if:
a. users package has reached the available date and user has not purchased a new package
b. user has chosen to have his package renewed every x days/weeks/months/years but the recurring option didn’t go through because payment failed (usually it means no money in user account)
c. user downgrades his package to a package with less included listings than the number of listings he has published .
User is able to re-submit only the number of listings allowed by his current package.
When expired properties are resent for approval, the theme options (manual or automatic approval) will apply.